No installation, no signup, free forever
You don't need to install anything on your machine. Just run a simple command and you're good to go.
You don't need to signup or login to use Skytunnel. It's free forever.
Skytunnel is open source. You can check the source code on GitHub. Contributions are highly appreciated.
Use TLS tunnels to keep traffic encrypted as it passes through Skytunnel. Secure Websockets are also supported.
Use the same domain name every time you connect to Skytunnel, unless your IP changes.
This tool was heavily inspired by serveo. However, that project doesn't receive much support right now.
This is non-commercial project, so it's absolutely ok if something doesn't work. The author is constantly trying to improve the tool. Feel free to open an issue on github.
This tool is made by developer for developers. Intended to ease local development process as well as make prototyping of new project easier. Needless to say, you should not use it for production load.
There's a NodeJS application which handles all web subdomain requests, it proxies them to tcp frowarded connection opened on custom ssh server implemented using ssh2 npm library.
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